
Meowstress from Monster Hunter Cross/Generations! A cute energetic young lady is nice for a change! Hiring cute felynes from ugly-ass old people for 9 years can get pretty dull you know. Support me on Patreon!


Guess that makes the two of us..

We Live In An MMO?! – CHAPTER 3

Oh my god! It’s finally out!Thank you all so much for your patience for this Chapter!I’m sorry this Chapter took longer than the previous ones!The amount of lemons that life kept giving while I was making this Chapter was unbelievable! Thank you all so much for the love and support!Your love keeps me doing what […]

Update on Chapter 3!

Sorry for not posting anything recently! If things go well (which they haven’t for the past month), expect a release next week! Love you all much much!

Pokemon Go!

So ‘Pokemon Go!’ just launched here in my country..